Adventure Rider Radio, February 2016
Host: Jim Martin
As so often happens in life, we get caught up in what society expects us to do. Get a good education, get a good job, buy a house, have the right furniture, clothes, gadgets… and so on. We are expected to live our life in the “normal” way. In the western culture, if you don’t have the big house and fancy cars, and everything that goes along with it, including debt and stress, well… you just aren’t living. We think we need or want those things, that they will make us happy.
9 Minute Moto Film Festival, May 2015
Images: Nita Breibish // Script: Issa Breibish
Well, we may be jumping the gun a little bit on this with regards to telling the story of all the places we’ve managed to travel through so far, but we felt it’s timely considering all that’s going on in the world. We put together a 9 minute slideshow for the 9 Minute Moto Film Festival back in May and thought it’s about time we shared it. It’s Nine Hundred Days in Nine Minutes – so we had to skip Asia but we’ll get to that next time! Hope you enjoy it… and feel free to share it with your friends!
REV’IT!, February 2016
Words: Rineke Berkelder
Women on motorcycles were once the exception to the rule, but fortunately that’s been changing for a long time. Each year the number of female motorcyclists is increasing around the world. History has proven that nothing will stop a determined woman on a motorcycle and today women from everywhere ride their motorcycles all over the world.
REV’IT!, March 2016
Words: Rineke Berkelder
‘The best destination for motorcycle travel in the world’ was supposed to be topic of this article, providing everyone with a new destination or two for their bucket lists.
In preparation, we posed the following question to the experts: what is your favorite destination? The response was nearly unanimous, and we can almost hear you thinking “where could this paradise be?” Their answer may surprise you…
Touratech USA, 2013
Images: Nita Breibish // Words: Issa Breibish
In late July, our friends and sponsors at Touratech USA set up an opportunity for us to meet the crew at Touratech HQ in Niedereschach, Germany while getting a huge upgrade to our stock suspension on both our bikes. My bike, a BMW R1200GS was set for an Explore Front and an Expedition Rear while Nita’s F650GS Twin with it’s lowered suspension was getting a Progressive Fork and Shock Spring upgrade.
Road Trip Magazine (France), February 2015
Images: Nita Breibish // Words: Issa Breibish
Translation: Collin Audibert
Overland Magazine, 2015
Images: Nita Breibish // Words: Issa Breibish
Overland Magazine, 2014
Images: Nita Breibish // Words: Issa Breibish
Motorcycle Messengers: Tales From the Road by Writers Who Ride
Publisher: Oscillator Press, 2015
Editor: Jeremy Kroeker
Words: Issa Breibish
Motorcycle Messengers is a collection of travel stories from some of the leading writers in genre… plus a few people you’ve never heard of. Consider it a sample pack of authors. Stuff a copy into your saddlebag, read a story by the fire, and discover your new favourite motorcycle travel writer.
Filmmaker: Daniel Rintz, 2014
Interviewee: Issa Breibish
A day-dreamer rides around the world on a motorcycle, surviving only on money he makes along the way, until he finds what he wasn’t even looking for.