
Articles from this Category

Ikaalinen to Lahti, Finland, Arctic Nights

Arctic Nights and the Last of the North

We spend three days at Nordnes Camp and Bygdesenter, a little slice of heaven just south of Røkland. It feels like a northern town should; remote, lacking options in just about every way and, even in August, quite cold. We’re north of the Arctic Circle, farther north than any mainland point in Iceland and, if we […]

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Featured Image: Arctic Cairns and Atlantic Road

Atlantic Road to Arctic Circle

The morning is brisk. Really brisk. There’s a light covering of frost on the tent and, where the dry-bags have been laying, a film of damp has formed on the floor. The low-lying clouds have saved us the view of Trollstigen, but we definitely feel socked-in and rain seems a certainty at some point along today’s […]

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Bjordal to Stryn and Trollstigen, Norway

From the Falls of Stryn to the Heights of Trollstigen

It’s a strange sensation being camped this close to a road that, while not busy, does play host to the occasional truck and car. The only level spot to pitch our tent is just off the shoulder which certainly presents an occasional what if… but somehow we’re always able to pretend that those are simply impossible inevitabilities. […]

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Bergen: One of the many trolls that inhabit Norway

Bergen’s Wooden Homes and the Quiet of Fuglsetfjord

Our moonshine friends are still fast asleep and, after crawling from the frost-covered tent, we hurry to pack. The morning air is brisk and once again the bikes protest the chill. The Shorai batteries have protested at any temperature close to freezing all along our journey and the extra strain on the starter always puts […]

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Hello, Norway (and your Moonshine Nights).

Norwegian Days and Moonshine Nights

It’s surprising how well we can sleep when the wind is trying it’s best to keep us up. Even with the howl and whistle of air rushing past the trees to our back, we wake the next morning well-rested and excited for the ferry to Kristiansand and Norwegian shores. By the time we exit the […]

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